Thursday, November 1, 2007

Resturant Day and Finals Week!

We've mostly been doing review dishes for the final. It lasts a week! the first day is mostly written work (what i am most worried about cause its math conversions and ratios) and knife cuts. Tuesday-thursday is cooking. We get the menus each of us needs to make on each day. Everyone cooks somehting different on a different day so we cant "cheat" (reminds me of the exams they gave in college, you know the A, B, C etc). Friday we get our scores and we "deep clean" which is the cleaning of all the bottoms of the pans and pots, burners, ovens etc. this can get messy. Anyhow, tomorrow is the resturant day. we decided to name our restaurant "Basta" which means "enough" in Italian. I came up with it cause i remember when i went to Italy with a friend of mine, her father told me if there is any italian i must know going in, its "basta" because people will keep on piling food on your plate even after your stuffed. Chef Woodstock was actually out sick monday and tuesday. Its werid but i missed him a little and my dishes were definetly not great those days. Plus, i hated the sub who completely massacred my confidence by saying nothing positive about any of my dishes. But he was back yesterday and i nailed my review of ratatouille and i made hollandiase which is probably the most difficult thing to do with a little help. Anyhow, i am currently waiting for my carpool and i think i hear the honk, so i'll catch you up later!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good Luck with everything! I'm sure Basta will rock :)