so i did day two last night. as you saw in my preveious post, a lot of dishes bu simple one, today is the tricky one. Well yesterday was ok, i think. its very strange in the kitchen as we are not allowed to talk. I first got my potatos boiling for the pommes duchess, and then got my white roux working for my bechemel. the bechemel just needs 10-15 min to simmer so during that time i got my carrots cooking for the glazed carrots. i turned in my bechemel first, and by that time my carrots were ready so i turned them in next. so i got to work on my blanched broccoli. i think i may have left them in for too long, but i tried a few and they were ok, but maybe to mushy for the chefs standards. I then proceeded to braising endives because that can take 30 min. in that time i got the food mill going for the duchess. it was tough because i assembled the food mill wrong! any how i got it to work and piped my little roses of potato on the sheet pan. So while that was in the oven i got the pilaf going. I pulled it off with time to spare, but i am not sure i did fantastic, ok, but not perfect. anyhow, after we finished, we had 40 min of prep for today's menu which is super complicated. Iam nervous about the carbonara, the eggs always curdle on me! and the french onion soup my turn out a bust, it has before. anyhow, i'll let you know how it goes, hopefully we'll get out early...
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