Thursday, November 22, 2007

Turkey Coma

Hello everyone, not sure how many americans read this blog (not sure how many read this period but since nutritious junk for some reason gets a lot of canadian and british readers, maybe they found there way here), Happy Thanksgiving! Honestly, i dont care much for this holiday, and part of it is that stupid shopping day the day after. Black friday, as its known. I cant believe a discount on a semi-pointless item is motivation enough for some people to wake up at 3:30 am (or do they even go to bed? because i've totally stayed up until 4 before) to get to the stores at 4 and make their way through an stampede of other people just as crazy as you (or more, because they must have gotten there BEFORE you). Good lord, i enjoy shopping but not like this! Wel its done and over with. My turkey was OK, people told me it was good, i thought they were just being nice, or maybe so used to dry turkey that this was excellent according to their previous experiences. My dad forgot the stuffing and green beans in fridge back at our house, and my roulade was a teeny underdone. Ehh, whatevs. At least i dont get graded on this. I did make a fantastic roasted garlic mashed cauliflower (or "faux-tatoes" as i like to call them). I put in four cloves which was A LOT but i loved it! I didn't get to workout today which sorta pissed me off because on stressful days like this, i sorta rely on it to take my edge off. Thats ok though, since i am avoiding all malls tomorrow, i'll have plenty of time to blow off steam and maybe do some homework (believe it or not we get so many written assingments). What sorta bothers me about thanksgiving is that its like a little red carpet for all those relatives that havent seen you in a while. meaning...its like a little judgment session. What are you doing, how are you looking, what are you studying, where are you working, on and on...Its rather annoying filling people in and responding to less than nice comments. for instance, i just loved it how my dad introduces me to new people.
"this is my daughter, she took a year off school to go to Le Cordon Bleu"
First of all, this isn't a vacation, i am not taking anything off, i am more busy than i ever was in college. People can sleep their way through college and still get degrees. You defiently cannot just sleep through this! you need to be so passionate and have the energy to keep up with the rigorous demands. I dont think its for everyone. Now that I've gotten to know my classmates better, i am noticing some real chefs in rough, and some people that i really feel sorry for. Its like trying to be funny. You cant exactly fake it, and you cant fake passion, and i do think some people in the class really lack that. Its funny too because i know so many people NOT in culinary school that completely belong there, mostly their scared to take the plunge, but little do they know its a blessing for them if they just attended. I think i ll write up a post later on whether or not culinary school might be a place where you belong. hope everyone is recovering from their national day of eating and shopping.


azusmom said...

Hi Hungry! I just "found" this blog, and really enjoy it.
I know exactly what you mean; a couple of years ago, when we were still in L.A., I considered going to culinary school. I couldn't do it, because I have 2 young kids with autism, and the curriculum was too heavy. Anyone who thinks culinary school is a vacation should just take a look at the course catalogue.
(And I wouldn't go shopping on "Black Friday" if you put a gun to my head,lol!)

hungry waif said...

wow thanks so much for visiting! i am begining to believe i am ranting about my culinary escapades to a screen. I consider myself one of the lucky students because some people in my class have a couple of very young children and it breaks their heart to be a wasy from them when they get home from school (because my class is from 6pm-11pm). Of course they are exhausted becaue they also have to work to support their families during the day. I am lucky tht i am freeloading, in a way, at my dad's house.

azusmom said...

Hey, nothing wrong with freeloding,lol!