Saturday, October 27, 2007

Pros and Cons of a Culinary Student!

I thought this up while in traffic on the way to class. Dont take this too seriously, its meant to be funny and silly and iam obviously exagerating it. I honestly love being a culinary student although it is grueling on the mind and body, but its like a good workout, it kinda hurts but you get a high off it and never really regret doing it. So once again these are true to an extent but are exagerated and meant to be goofy.

-the most obvious, the food, gourmet food is constantly made and ready to be eaten and you try dishes and foods thats out of this world and so exotic that most people are never lucky enough to get the oppertunity to try.
-since your introduced to all this wonderful food, your uniform is very forgiving. You could be pregnant and probably no one would notice since the pants are baggier that the one that were popular in the late 90's and the chef jacket buttoned on the front makes even a waif like me look big.
-Its easy to get roomates, just list in your ad "gourmet chef looking for a hungry roomate to feed...."
-Servers and waiters are at your mercy, its like a resturant higharchy and your groomed to be at the top.
-Your not boring, seriously and not to be rude to anybody out there who is (a lot of my friends are) but like everyone i know is like a phychology/bio/english major and when someone asks you all of a sudden what you study and you say, "me, o i go to culinary school" it sorta stands out.

-although food is good, doesn't mean it always is, remeber your in culinary SCHOOL, as in learning as in you may get yourself sick
-Although the outfits are forgiving for those extra pounds you may put in, it kinda sucks because i think my biceps have shaped up from all that whisking, kneading, etc. and for anybody who has a body to show off, you dont really get a chance to flaunt it. Even your hair is covered so there goes my 50$ blowout!
-You get ugly, you cant wear makeup, jewlery, nail polish, and that stupid hat covers your head so you look bald.
-you become ashamed of your hands, they are cut, burned, bruised, unpolished, unpampered, just plain old beaten up, alas, they are your most important tool.
-This correlates the the room-mate thing, u might feel kinda used, and on that note, the pressure is on to make spectacular food, otherwise, people think your a joke.
-People dont get why your stressed, but believe me, making hollandaise just right CAN be stressful.
-Seeing food network begins to irritate you since about 90% of the cooks have no culinary background, and you begin to notice it....

ok i could add more but thats all i can think of right now, but again take it with a grian of salt cause i honestly do love it.

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