Friday, November 9, 2007

"Deep Cleaning" and my final grade!

So today we basically chillaxed (its chill and relax, incase you thought it was some sort of typo which i am infamous of doing) and cleaned the labs (the kitchens, we call them labs i guess to make it seem more scientific) and had a one on one with our instructor. I was so happy! Chef Woodstock said, "I think you doing pretty darn well, i did think you conomme was very salty but overall you did just fine. On cooking i got a 91, an 88 on the "notebook", 97 on performance, and overall all i got a solid "A" for the term as i averaged out a 93.3. I was happy, some people did slightly better, most got away with a b, and i did over hear some C's, but honestly its from students who i think really alck the heart for this. its the kids that miss class, smoke and drink a lot, and fairly young. Ehh, i dont want to be one to judge, i got loads of C's in college and a select few in high school algebra. But i am very happy that i am content with my grade. i think i tried, i think i deserved it, no more (i am devoted, but this isn't the only thing in my life), no less. Perfetly seasoned! anyhow, monday is intro II !! Eeek! new instructors and meats! I cant only hope I'll do just as well. Sit tight readers (if there are any, i really am begining to doubt people read this), we've only just begun!


Unknown said...

COngrats on the grade! SOrry I haven't commented as of late but I've been busy plus I was beginning to feel a lil stalkish being the only commenter :O)

Anyways it's a great feeling when you find something that you not only enjoy but with a little work are actually good at. It's nice to see hard work pay off. Hope you have a great weekend!

Emi at Project Swatch said...

I read! I just don't really comment on anyone's blog.

hungry waif said...

thanks! good to know someone reads! i suppose o dont really talk about things that stir up much comments, but thanks for reading!