I know i have not posted a lot recently, mainly because i haven't had class since before thanksgiving. Monday night i have my Beef Quiz and then we have a fish and shellfish lecture as we beging fish/shellfish week. I promise i'll start taking pictures of my dishes each night becuase they truly are goregeous this quarter (as opposed to last term where it was simple stuff like rice and hollandaise). We also do a whole salmon fabication after our lecture, this could be fun, and fishy i guess. I am sorta glad to be doing fish because i love almost all seafood. Plus its super healthy, a good source of protein and omega 3's. Shrimp and oysters are also good sources of iron (oysters even have calcium, i prefer oysters to a glass of milk anyday!). Speaking of health, i feel a bit "different" when it comes to nutrition and health as opposed to the rest of the class. what i mean by "different" is that i seem to be the only person who cares maybe, or maybe iam the only person educated on it. The rest of the class will need to take a nutrtion academics class i believe in a few terms (i got out of it cause i studied it in college). I am not a crazy calorie counter but since i know a lot about nutrtion, i am mindful of the food's nutrtional value. For example, i am probably the only person in the class that thinks "why are we using clarified butter (buter with all the milk and water evaporated, basically fattier butter) when we can just as easily use canola oil?". I realize its not about nutrition, its about taste, but sometimes i just think about some dishes we make and think, "ok, this can still be delcious and be healthier". Maybe thats what I'll do with my career, open a GOOD tasting healthy resturant or write a healthier GOOD gourmet tasting cookbook. I dont remember who it was but someone once told me, you should never trust a skinny chef. I disagree. Although my chef instructors this term are a bit on the chubby side, Chef French and Woodstock were very slender and fit. People naturally come in all shapes and sizes, and their food shouldn't be judged on their pudgy-ness (or lack thereof). skinny chefs also doesn't mean they dont taste their food. Thats hogwash! all good chefs taste their food. I HATE cheese, i am even a little lactose intolerant, but i taste my dishes, even if they have cheese in them. Mind you TASTE is rather different than having it as a meal. One is meant to tickle your palatte, the other is meant to keep you full. Some the best chefs around are slender, Julia Child, my hero was fairly slender, Nigella Lawson could model, Martin Yan was pretty trim, and Gordon Ramsey is farily skinny. Dont judge a chef, or anyone for that matter, on their body. the one exception I'd be wary of is that creepy purple grimace icon from McDonalds. dude, a purple blob selling my quarter pounders? yea, ok, I'll pass on that one.
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