Monday, April 21, 2008

what the #%@! ????

I recently came across an article in the new york times (which i find one of the few very good American newspapers) about chefs and this new cursing phenomenon ( Gordon Ramsey and Anthony Bourdain, both very successful chefs, have their cussing to thank for much of their recent popularity and fame. In the food industry, or any industry with lots of stress, cussing is bound to burst. Now i am not all innocent and proper, I curse, but only when appropriate. I like to use curse words in their simplest form, without adjoining words. Like lets say i spilled something, i often say, "Shit!". this to me is ok, and spills and burns happen all the time in the kitchen, and in this context, i find it ok to curse. I DON'T find it professional or beneficial when people start to inject curse words into semi-cogent sentences like, "get me that fucking pot into my fucking hands you shithead!". This is just a) a rude, condescending request, b) bad English, period!, and c) a desperate attempt to attract attention or superiority. That said, this Chola Chika bully of mine curse without end, and not in the context of my preference. I am not offended by people cursing, but why do it for the sake of wanting to portray power or attention. Like drinking, cursing is fine in moderation. I learned it from my mother (who without shame cursed infront of me in the car while driving in rush hour traffic). But she never said, "dont curse" and hence, i never felt the need to rebel and curse. I know its not the most polite thing to do, but i admit i do it. Anyhow, what do you think?


Charlotte said...

From my many years as a waitress, I always figured that cursing was par for the course for the back of the house. I didn't realize that chef-cursing was a new thing! That said, I'm not a fan of it. Mostly because it's hard for me to turn it off. It's one thing to be back with the cooks complaining about my dumbass customer but entirely another to slip up in front of said customer.

This Chika Cola chick sounds like the kind of chef who'd spit in your food.

L.B. said...

I like Anthony Bourdain and the cursing thing is really a part of him. But if someone like Ina Garten dropped an F bomb on her show it would be strange.

Actually one of the best/funniest/bizarre moments I've seen on food network was on Paula Dean's show. Her sons came in and tried to get some of her cookies or whatever she was making. She got very upset - genuinely upset - and dropped a few curse words that were bleeped out. That was great! It was raw emotion and real, and that's what made it good.

And as far as Chola Chika goes, fuck that crack whore!

hungry waif said...

you said it guys! this chola chika was such a biatch tonight! We had to make 4 salads with 30 min windows between to serve them which is really hard when its salads like Cobb (which needs chicken cooking, bacon rendering, etc...) and Chinese Chicken (again, LOTS of Prep). I was scooping out olives for my nicose salad and she got mad at me for useing the same spoon to fish out olives and capers! ok, i am not for cross contamination, but bother were basically jarred in water, this wasnt like raw protien! geezz take a chill pill!

carla said...


have you read AB's books?

Im not a cook and really adored Kitchen Confidential...(the cursing fits his personality...there is NOTHING WORSE than seemingly forced cursing---AWKWARD)

carla said...


have you read AB's books?

Im not a cook and really adored Kitchen Confidential...(the cursing fits his personality...there is NOTHING WORSE than seemingly forced cursing---AWKWARD)