bleh, apparently a delicacy right? i know some people who actually like them, but they look too much like human muscles, and they taste like overcooked fish (or maybe i just overcooked mine?). We needed to serve it with a starch and veggie (like most entrees) so i chose polenta and baby carrots, still, I couldn't manage to make this look appetizing....
I've heard they're good... I guess they taste like what you put on them? Still, they are frogs legs! I'd try it, but only because I hate when people refuse to try new things!
Do you ever watch the show Bizarre Foods on the Travel Channel? It's a fantastic show if you haven't seen it, as it mixes two of my favorite topics - cuisine and travel.
Anyway, since I started watching that show earlier this year I've gained a newfound respect for dishes like this. I'm not saying I'm going to rush out and try something like this but at the very least I'll give it some respect and at least consider eating something like this if ever presented with the opportunity. After all, the host of that show has eaten all sorts of disgusting delicacies such as animal testicles, blood pudding, bear meat, donkey meat, braised camel paw and the like. So if he can eat stuff like that, surely I can eat a little frog.
Having said that, this looks as appetizing as the snail I accidentally squished in my driveway on Sunday morning. No offense, really, since the presentation looks fine.
Still, my brother has had a long-standing request of frog's legs. Would you know where one could purchase frog's legs for consumption?
good question lb, i have no idea, i haven't exactly pulled up to my local Ralphs meat counter and asked, "yea i'll take a two pounds of kermit legs..". I am taking advantage of trying these new foods though...next week we go on a field trip to an asian market called 99 ranch where i am sure they have those crazy stuff like frogs legs and some "bizarre foods". i try to catch that show.
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