After almost crying when i left class yesterday (let out half an hour late mind you!), it was great to actually have a good day today. We had to make pilaf and rissotto, as well as blanched spinach and broccoli. After about a hald our of practicing knife cuts (cause there are many! and mine although may look fine to the normal person, are not unifom or cemitrtical so i need to practice), we started working on our dishes. This time, ! ONLY focused on 1 dish at a time. I collected all my ingredients so they'd be ready to go (like you see on cooking shows) and all my tools handy. Risotto cant be made in a hurry, so i started that one first. I babysat that for about 45 min checking it from time to time to see if it was ready. Ah success at last! after looking at the texture and consistency and then of course tasting, Chef Woodstock said, "its a but wine-y, but i'd say about an 'A'". HA! at last a successful dish! and not an easy one at that, many people screwed this one up. I brought a zip loc container to show it to my dad. I personally didn't like it cause we needed to add some cheese at the end and i loathe cheese. but before my addition of it i did think it was quite nice. my pilaf was way undercooked this time, and i new it. I admitted it to Chef Woodstock so he didn't hound me for it cause i also know what i did wrong (not enough time in the oven). I also started to get a warmer sense of my fellow classmates. The guys are very respectful and helpful to us girls in the class. i really appreciated that, in college they all treated us like a piece of ass. We all look so unflattering in our uniform that its hard to tell cometimes the one's gender. Anyhow, today i think we are doing risotto agian and i think ratatouille (the dish, not the movie, although the movie rocked!). Lets hope today goes just as smoothly as yesterday....
Three cheers for you! Congrats on the 'A'. Risotto can be hard but obviously not for you :) Smart thinking with the tupperware. I hope your dad loved it!
Congrats on the A! I'm glad school is going better. Have a fun and relaxing weekend!
o i'll need it, its my birthday on the 6th!
Have a Happy Birthday Waif enjoy.
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