I know i haven't posted in a bit, but its mainly because i have class on saturday mornings at 8 am (meaning i need to leave the house at 7:15) and i only get back from class the night before around midnight. Hence i never feel like writing much once i get home those nights. Anyhow, lets review my last few days this week. Its good i have carpool now so i am not driving exhausted all the time. But i still had a very tiring day yesterday, i nearly fell asleeo during the demo of latkes! (luckily, being the only jew in the class i didn't really need a demo as i have made and tasted ALL sorts of latkes). I perked up once we started cooking, but lectures and stuff that keep me inactive can induce sleep on me. As we were prepping for the latkes, i was explain to the people at my table (or around my station, so to speak) that these are usually eaten at Hanukah and that its a little early to be making these(to be pc, i shold be spelling "Chanukah" but people mispronounce that one even worse so i spare the sore throat). So the girl the works beside me, I'll call her Jessica (because her real name is one of a pop star without any recent hits, like Jessica Simpson) asked me, "So, does that make you Jewish?" I've gotten a bit used to this, so i tried i replied, "yes, why, is that a bad thing??"
"o no no..." she replied obviously worried she ofended me. But it seems i am indeed the only jew in the class and most of the people in the class were clueless about judaism. Not that mind, i was kinda the opposite because i went to a private jewish (but NOT religious AT ALL) high school and i never had real non-jewish friends until college. I tried to do what all good jews do, poke fun at my jewish-ness by saying, "I know, its hard to tell sometimes i am a jew because my nose hasn't developed enough yet". But after thinking about it, i am sad i said that because iam afraid i sparked or refueled the sterotype. And i usually get mad at my jewish friends that say they have a jewish nose.
Anyhow, my latkes were ok, but i made like seven (i only needed to present three) cause i kept messing them up. I had an off day yesterday, i also burnt my onions for my risotto milanaise. O but we had to make a DELICOUS gazpacho soup thursday! (recipe will be posted at nutritious junk). It was a bit weird cause most of the time we spent on it was make the garnishes! i never had gazpacho with so much garnish. We had chopped tomatoes, red bell peppers, green peppers, cucumbers, smashed egg whites, smashed egg yolks (hard boiled, of course), and little cubes of pullman bread that we made into cute little croutons. It was so yummy and i am guessing very good for you. Probably the healthiest thing we've made thus far (besides roasted and balnched veggies). a good break from all the unhealthy clarified butter we've been cooking everything in. So by friday i was so burned out and it doesn't help i need to go to my sanitation class with that smart ass instructor (she hated me today for bringing my laptop! sorry, my handwriting is illegible). And finals are the week after this coming one so i am really headed to a burn out. o yea, and i burned my finger tip trying to grab a hot plate. I hate complaining and i am not really, i am just exhausted but in a good way i guess. At least i am leaving class feeling productive and i do enjoy it when i cook well and everything is orderly. anyhow, i'll post more fun posts about things i learned this week soon, hopefully that will be more stimulating to you lovely readers.
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