Finally we got to cooking, and man did i crumble. First of all, we work closely in a big commercial kitchen so the burners, ovens, pans, and pots are gigantic! i am small and although not weak (thanks body works classes!)it was difficuly for me to handle. We only had about an hour to saute spinach and mushrooms, make a chicken stock, blanch some haricot vert (green beans although they insist we call them by their frnch name), and make rice pilaf. Simple enough right? i mean, it looked so easy at the demo yesterday. Ahh, i was so naive. When your not used to the kitchen and where everything is and working side by side with someone, things can get hectic. I made a big mistake of trying to multitask, so i had the butter in the pan read for the spinach, and onions sweating in the pot for the rice, and the water almost boiling for my stock. But needed to prep my veggies get the salt and pepper, get the serving plates, etc....GAH! i was about to crack. and Chef Woodstock comes over to my station and yells "Your butter is burning!". O crap, already on to a bad start. I but the salted water on for the blanching and drop my gree beans in. the Chef Woodstock proceed to holler, "what are you doing"
"blanching" (i reply)
"but your water isn't up to a boil! you werent paying attention during demo"
(to my self) "Crap, and what the hell are you telling me i am not paying attention, i am just doing seven things at the same time and not used to the kitchen and....oh shit, i need to pearl my rice!". Well when all was done Chef Woodstock said my spinach was too greasy, my muushrooms not uniformly cut and therefore i am lazy, not salted enough (yea for you smoker maybe not, and i thought it was certainly enough to raise your blood pressure!), my rice under cooked, my onions not chopped fine enough, and my beans once again not salt enough!
I felt like crying but i felt some solace when others managed to turn their spinch into chips because they were on for too long. Well in about an hour i am off to school and today i am going to be prepared (or at least try)
i need to make risotto and blanched broccoli/spinach. I am goint to get all of my ingredients out before and have my recipe card on the side of my apron so i dont mess anything up, o yea, and ill salt it like crazy. Wish me luck!
1 comment:
Eep! That Chef Woodstock sounds like a real meanie! Don't worry though, it was an "off-day," I had spent hours studying for my test and when I got in there and had the test in pront it was like *BLIP* mind is blank! Besides, I trust your cooking, I'm sure I would have loved it; mushrooms aren't meant to be the same size and I adore salt!
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