Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Cookie Explosion!

We did our charlotte Royal yesterday along with our first plated dessert of banded chocolate mousse cake (i took pics they'll be up soon..). I'll explain them once i get the pics up.
Today we made 6 different types of cookies! like biscotti, sable (french cookies that look like checkerboards), earthquake cookie, and some others that just slipped my mind ( i just got home, bare with me i feel like collapsing). I promise to get the pics up soon and talk about the plated desserts!


L.B. said...

I make a mean gingerbread biscotti. Well at least its mean to me. I'm anxious to see a pro's version and for some tips as well!

Jill said...

l.b., I need your gingerbread biscotti recipe... mmmmmm, sounds fabulous, just from the "mean" description.

L.B. said...


Here's a link to the recipe I used. And if you click on the more pictures link on the right, you'll see a pic of my triumph. They taste pretty good too!

Trust me, if I can make them, you can make them. I'm not in the Waif's level or anything and they came out fine for me.

L.B. said...

Oops. I tried to post a link but apparently it didn't work so just cut-and-paste.

Jill said...

That I can do! Thanks a lot!

hungry waif said...

biscotti recipe comming up!