Before i begin my Baking I final lowdown, i must apologize for not posting as frequently as i would have wanted recently. This past few weeks have not only been tough at school, but I've had so many personal issues to deal with. But i am back, i do hope people still read this, please someone, comment just to let me know i am not blabbering about culinary escapades to a monitor. Anyhow, so my finals went horribly! gah lets begin with this past monday, we had to take the written test (that actaully was a bit easy), and do an egg/holladnaise practical test. We were given four eggs to produce two poached eggs and holldanise on top. So that gives you an extra egg incase you mess up. I mess up, but i still needed more eggs! I started making the holladiase when i noticed it was not comming together, than i realized my butter wasn't clarified enough. so i simply put it back on the burner and cranked up the heat, hoping this would speed up the process because i only had a bout ten min left! Silly me of course took the screaming hot butter and into my egg yolk to start my hollandaise when it hit me, "the butter must be below 110 degrees!". So incase you haven't guessed already, this turned my yolk into scrambled eggs. So theres two yolks gone. and i still needed to produce two poaches eggs. so i handed in two eggs, no sauce. I felt pathetic. Then lets proceed to the rest of the week. Tuesday we were allowed to prep whatever we wanted for the rest of the week. On wensday we needed to turn in two items (everyone had a different item). Mine were fairly simple, 6 eclaires and a 24 oz sourdough. I thought i could for sure nail this, but even here i messed up. First of all, our recipe given to us when the class first began a few weeks ago was for a 1 lb loaf so i thought, "hmm all just had half to make 24oz". Then when i baked it, although i must say beautiful as it was, it was huge! and he weighed all the breads! i forgot to weight it BEFORE baking, and it turned out to weigh a whopping 34 oz! And the eclaires? beautiful, really perfect, but the filling! i didn't read my menu carefully enough because i realized i had to fill them with pastry cream NOT whipped cream (they are very different, pastry cream is yellow). Thursday i had to turn in a cheescake and 6 bearclaw danishes. thank god those turned out good, but i topped the cheesecake with cherrys and he said he want it plain. O well, i still got an A in the class because i do my homework and do fairly well on quizes. So tuedsday i start baking II! its way more intricate and i hear we have a mystery box for the final where we must make a dessert out of the ingredients inside. sounds neat, please check frequently, i promise to post!
Nice to hear from you again Waif.
I am definitely still reading it! I check everyday but didn't see any updates, fearing that you might have forsaken this blog... =) Glad to see you are back!
Glad you're back, Waif! I was wondering what had happened to you:) Sorry your sauce didn't work out! I bet the eggs were good though:)
I always read this blog, please keep posting!
I read the blog and was worried cooking duties had grown too demanding to blog. Either that or that your drill sergeant professor had dismembered you in a way that left you incapable of blogging.
Good to see I was wrong on both counts.
Yay! You're back! Sorry to hear that the baking finals didn't go quite according to planned. Hopefully this next rounds goes better for you!
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