I need to think of better titles for posts, this is one is just silly. Anyhow SO great to hear comments from readers! i was begining to think this blog was going to be defunct (cause ive attempted other personal blogs in the past that were complete busts). Nutritious Junk has been my selling one, hopefully it will give me enough cred for this new one.
so tomorrow morning i make th 45 min drive to school for the make-up orientation. I am going with my dad (feels so elementary school or freshman year of college, no?) and i am honestly looking more foward to visiting the beverage wharehouse where they sell everytype of beverage imaginable for 1/2 price and they have wine tastings! I should be phyched about getting my uniform and tools, but all i can think about is this stupid bevarge store on the way. I am crazy.
My sister (15 yrs older half sister, really, from my mother's side, but i dont like that term because its not like her right side or bottom half is my sister and the other isn't) is newly pregant and can barely stomach anything due to terrible morning sickness, so i thought i'd swing by this weekend and make her matza balls which she has apparnetly been craving like mad recently. I cant wait to be an aunt, although i think my sister is way better with kids than i am, she'll be a fun mom.
I had to babysit for my dad's girlfriend's daughter today and that meant serving her dinner. I didnt get much of chance to really cook since her mom already made sauce and all i had to do was boil water for penne. This got me thinking about how cooked people like their pasta. I dont know what i loath more, spoiled milk or too soft pasta. Milk is probably worse but i can stand when pasta is overcooked, looses its flavor, and basically becomes starch pudding! A dear family friend of mine is Italian and lived there for many years and swear by an egg timer to make sure the pasta is cooked "to the tooth" (al dente, in Italian). I'll probably learn more about this in culinary school, but i have the al dente thing down, cause even though this kid probably doesn't care how her pasta is, I wouldn't want her getting used to me giving her less than fabulous food. I'll give you a full play by play of the orientation when i get back tomorrow.
I know with spaghetti you can tell it is done - or "al dente" by throwing one at the wall and if it sticks it's ready! It actually works amazingly well, AND it's fun! No kid can resist it's fun, trust me.
yes, but the ceilings in my kitchen are WAY too high, and being a shrimp myself, theres no way those pastas are comming down if they DO stick. neat trick though!
I enjoy your blog, and your casual style and lack of capitals is not even slighly a problem - but you can't spell. i would suggest writing your posts in word, spellchecking, then posting. i hope this doesn't come off as mean!
No, I am sorry, its very unprofessional of me to not proof read and make sure I spell everything correctly. The thing is, this blog is like my journal where I record the meandering thoughts that cross my mind at the moment. I ALWAYS had trouble keeping a journal because I could never have the patience to write out everything because I was thinking so fast. Typing makes this a lot easier, but also, people are naturally more prone to typos as well. Anyhow, I am sorry and I will do my best to keep my posts clear and free of typos.
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