I know, this is a little unrelated to cooking school per se, but I was pondering this yesterday. There are some people i just feel inspire me but also give me a sense of safety and positive energy. Thinking of them brings my spirits up when i am down and really serve as sort of "fairy godmother" to my Cinderella side. heres the list:
-Julia Child: also one of my heroes, but whenever i mess up in the kitchen i think of Julia that despite her culinary brilliance, didn't take herself too seriously and embraced screw-ups. Plus, i think she actually COULD turn a pumpkin into something magical, maybe not a carriage, but soup perhaps???
-Carson Kressley: famous for being the fashion guru on "Queer eye for the straight guy" and his new show "How too look good naked", I truly this guy could get me out of a beauty/fashion/body slump. He's helped so many women learn to love the bodies they were born with and I think his efforts are revolutionary in the body acceptance movement. I also think every straight girl needs a bff of sorts. Tim Gunn (from "Project Runway") seems nice, but he always wears the same thing! I know Tim's got a good eye for fashion, but shouldn't he practice what he preaches? Carson always dresses different, and he seems like a genuinely nice guy. That, and I don't think Tim would like my enormous collection of sweats...
-Morgan Freeman: I dont know if he in genuinely i nice guy, but he's such a fantastic actor that he sure puts on a great, grandfatherly image. That and I am in love with his voice (as you may well know, he narrated numerous documentaries and books on tape). If he came out with a cd where he reads the dictionary, I'd probably buy it! Being Jewish, i never really had a memory of a Santa Clause type figure, but I'd imagine Morgan Freeman would suffice.
-Rivkah, my second grade Hebrew teacher: yes, i went to a Jewish elementary school so we had to take Hebrew and Jewish studies course. When i was in second grade i switched to a new school and was terrified. But from the first day of class this lovely, smiling woman welcomed me. She was more than a teacher, she really connected with her students. another girl in the class had a piano recital (not connected to the school) and Rivkah not only came to show support, she offered to take me. she had this cupboard in the class room where she held "prizes" for when you did well on a test or something. bizarre but cute prizes like alphabet soups, glitter tooth paste, and silly putty. kinda odd but practical, fun things. I don't know what she's doing now, we actually kept in contact but last i saw her was about a year after my mother died. she was fairly old, i hope she'd still alive, but my mom and I both loved her.
there you have it, my list of fairy godparents, who's yours?
What a great idea! There have been several "fairy godparents" I've adopted in my lifetime. Chuck, an elderly neighbor whom I got to know after his wife died of cancer. I think my sibs and i (we were all 12 and under at the time) were like therapy for him. Then there was Mr. Manley my third grade teacher. I'd just skipped second grade and was totally freaked out and he was just the best teacher ever. There are others but I'm afraid I'm already threadjacking. Thanks for the day brightner Waif!~
threadjacking? ha, no way charlotte! your opionos are awesome! Its weird how sometimes teachers we have as kids have such an emotional mark on the rest of our lives. Sadly, i despise elementary school teaching as a career choice for myself personally, but it would be great to be able to be another kid's "fairy godparent"
what a cool post!
I think my two feisty ever optimistic hardworking loving great aunts (89 and 91).
I strive to be as they are and face life with as much grace.
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