I didn't talk much about the final, but this was a very simple one. I actually didn't do as well as I had hoped, given that it was a breeze compared to our other finals, but i ended up getting an A in the class which is all i really cared about in the end. I had a day of prep and an hour and a half to turn in a soup (mine was hot and sour soup), an appetizer (mine way chicken and peanut satay), and an entree with a starch and veggie (mine was osso bucco with risotto and rapini). Most everyone had a different menu combo, but i definitely thought i got a harder menu. Osso bucco is a "low and slow" type of Italian dish. I remember when i visited Italy when i was in ninth grade with my friend whose family was Italian (and in the mob mind u, but i didn't care, i wasn't on their hit list so they just fed me and were happy that i ate what they gave me!). anyhow, her grandmother spent all day tending to her osso bucco. we had only a day of prep and then an hour before service the day of. Hence i was left with a fairly over-braised veal shank in the end. The chef liked my peanut satay which completely strayed from the recipe, but that's what i liked about this class, you didn't necessarily needed to follow the rules, but it just had to simply taste good. It was really cute in the end, i needed to use cucumber and red onion as a garnish so i made a cup out of the cucumber and used it as a vessel for the satay. My soup was "good but too sour" according to the chef. I agree with him, i knew it was sour, i tasted it many times, but i honestly never had hot and sour soup very often so i figured it was supposed to taste like that. next time, i'll go easy on the vinegar. anyhow, i've been working on my resume for my externship search which is a bit strange. I begin to reflect about all my previous education and odd-ball job experiences. I've worked and interned nearly everywhere. I was a movie set P.A. (very cool actually, i met Glenn Close and Dakota Fanning), a fashion house assistant (a horrible experience, i was an intern and not paid, but you could say they basically fired me. i think they didn't like my outspoken-ness...but i still wonder why they asked me not to come back...), a barista, a baby/dog/house/fish/hamster sitter, etc. what odd ball jobs have you had? share them, i am sure some of you could out do the next. (BTW, the picture here is actually of the very first dish i made in this course, my "steak au poive" practical quiz which i actually did well on, i didn't post my final pictures because as you can imagine, i was too busy worrying about getting the dishes out on time).
1 comment:
here's to the A in the class!!
have a great 4th,
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