so after Japan, which we did on Monday, we went over to china. Japan was a buffet style day so i volunteered to make desserts. My friend and i went online to try to make those mochi cakes. we did a few batches and needless to say, they were not very pleasant tasting. Not to mention, a total pain to clean, the gummi-goey-ness was stuck on all the pots which we had to scrub for about an hour and then try to boil down. Anyhow, we still needed a dessert so at the last second, we simple chopped some berries and wrapped them in won ton wrappers and fried them up. then we served it with wonderful fruit infuse gastrique (a sugar vinegar reduction which is actually used more for savory foods). Anyhow, we all had individual work when we did china. We needed to do two appetizers and an entree. So here's my won ton soup. There are some Asian kids in my class that folded their won tons impeccably, i asked one of them to show me, but still, mine looked a bit pathetic next to their little cute pockets of pork. They were very easy to make and i am wondering why people dont make these more often at home? seriously, try it, used group chicken, pork, beef, turkey, hell even tofu or veggies. Season in with some soy sauce and herbs like coriander or scallions, wrap them in won ton skins and boil in a good broth. tadah! no need for greasy American Chinese takeout!
Mmmmm, I enjoy pot stickers but hate pork... and it's hard to find veggie or chicken pot stickers!
Thanks for your great post on MizFit's site. I totally agree that we need to help kids live a BALANCED life - kids with eating disorders on the "skinny" end of the spectrum need care and support just as the ones on the other end do. I think that's what is great about many of the resources I shared - they're focus is on helping kids recognize and celebrate their strengths to build positive self-esteem as well as healthy bodies through age-appropriate and FUN activities. If kids can see fitness as something that makes them feel good (not something that makes them look like magazine models, but happy and healthy) about themselves, then they'll likely integrate it into their lifestyle. Being forced to workout and berated about not having exercise is not the way to do it - you are RIGHT!
I look forward to reading more of your blog!
I love ALL ASIAN food.
please to come here and cook for me, err, I mean all of us.
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