Yep, this week its all about the three "other" meats. On monday we had a written quiz on seafood and fish, then a practical where we simply needed to fabricate a chicken and cook off on of the breasts however we liked it. THEN, and this is where i got kinda sick, Chef Kahuna fabricated a WHOLE lamb carcas! Its huge! and it looked so much like a live lamb (minus skin and head of course) that i really lost all taste for lamb. I am not a vegetarian or one of those peta activsits but i cant say i dont feel for the animal. Most of the guys in the class were in awe of this giant lamb. Anyhow, today we cooked it. We made lamb chops (I'll load those pictures up tomorrow)and lamb kabobs. My Chef said i did a good job on both which is great, but i couldn't eat it. So i went into the baking II class next door and traded my chops for chocolate truffles! I cant wait till baking II (next term will be baking I, then baking II). tomorrow is veal meatballs, and dont think i'll eat veal either, i just dont think its that good and i do have a problem with it being a baby cow. anyhow, i am exhausted as i just got back home from class but i will load those pictures (and would u like the recipe for the lamb as well?)
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