Ok, so now that Intro II is officially over and i am finally on break, i'll have some time to catch up with what's been brewing in the kitchen at school thus far. Well I did ok on my written portion of the exam, in which we were provided a scantron similar to the exams in college classes. I scorred 89% on it, not bad. then there was the "notebook". I dont know if i mentioned the notebook before but its basically ALL the recipes, notes, handouts, and additional readings we collect for the class. It needs to be SUPER organized, all homeworks and notes MUST be types, there needs to be a table of conetents as well as a sectional table of contents (therefore it needs appropriate dividers), o yes, and every paper must be in a plastic sheet protector. Dude i swear, its like evidence of an OCD patient. O yes, and did i forget to mention the most time-consuming part of all this, every page must be numbered. and since i cant write on the plastic covers, i stick numbered labeles on each and every page, front to back. right well, anyhow apparently i am not OCD enough cause i got a 71 (out of 100) points for that. On my chicken trussing (you know, when you tie the chicken legs together with butcher twine) and fabrication, i got 100 and suprisingly on my fish fabrication, i got 100 as well. I was a bit shocken because i had to fillet a flat fish, a sole, and those are tricky. Have any of you actuall seen a whole sole? they look like tile fish, they swim sorta up and down, as opposed to round fish like salmon or sea bass that swim side to side and resemble goldfish crackers in shape. On my actual cooking, i was pretty pleased with my grade. Not a single dish scored below 90 and the only harsh comments were that my mahi mahi appetizer was slightly undercooked and that my cubes of carrots in my consomme were not perfectly uniform. Minor things really, so in the end, i got a 94 in the class leaving me with an A. Yay! i was extra happy especially after seeing that a lot of my peers got C's and D's. Only a select few got A's and thankfully, they were those that i truly see as potentially successful chefs in the making. So now i go from being super busy to, um, less so. I might have a few catering gigs for the holidays which will be nice cause i could certainly use the extra cash. but other than that, i'll be home alone since my dad will be in Israel. I was offered to go as its been a tradition to visit my mom (who's buried there) since she died Dec 28 in 2000. but I've been to Israel numerous times, i dont have many breaks from school, and i am already rather burned out and dont know if i can handle the VERY long distance trip. Anyhow, i am hoping to also catch up on nutritious junk and there's a chance me and tanya from iateapie will be doing a podcast about healthy meal ideas. To the right is the shrimp gumbo i made last week, btw. For the few readers that i visit this site, thank you, and i promise more stimulating posts to come!